Yes yes and yes. I love Tolkien books and know very little about the man’s racism, but taking it all in.
But onto today — And yes cowardly, craven and some other word starting with C that I can’t think of right now…
I’m disgusted by the lack of spine we’ve see by people supposedly running the country, but really just intent on their job security.
Not one went put burning all bridges. The closest was John McCain with his all important vote of ACA. That was his “Eff You” to Trump and was duly noted.
I don’t see anyone else telling him where to go before they left office.
Oh yes, all the naysayers after the fact. And maybe more starting this week — when it looks like Trump will take a fall. Too little and too late. They’ll still be tarnished, as we all know a political self-serving action when we see it.
Loved the article and all the feedback.
Thanks! And more please. You could simply mine Tolkien for your entire career?